
How To Pass A Polygraph Test?


Employment polygraph tests, also known as lie detector tests, are widely used by employers to assess the truthfulness and reliability of job applicants. These tests play a crucial role in the hiring process, as they aim to uncover any potential dishonesty or misconduct. Being prepared for a polygraph test is essential to ensure you can navigate it successfully and increase your chances of securing the job you desire.

What is the Polygraph Test

Polygraph tests are designed to measure physiological responses, such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity, to determine the veracity of the test-taker’s answers. The questions asked during the test can range from personal background information to inquiries about potential illegal activities or past behaviors. By understanding the inner workings of a polygraph test, you can better prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the experience. Familiarizing yourself with the types of questions asked and the physiological responses that are measured will help you feel more at ease during the test.

The Process of a polygraph test

The process of a polygraph test typically involves several key steps that are designed to assess the truthfulness of the test-taker. While specific procedures may vary slightly depending on the testing agency or jurisdiction, the general process remains relatively consistent. Here is an overview of the typical steps involved in a polygraph test:

Pre-Test Phase

Before the actual polygraph examination begins, there is a pre-test phase that involves administrative tasks and an introduction to the testing process. This phase may include the completion of necessary paperwork, verification of identification, and a brief interview with the test administrator. The administrator will explain the purpose of the test, provide an overview of the polygraph procedure, and answer any questions the test-taker may have. This phase also allows for the establishment of rapport between the test-taker and the administrator, helping to create a comfortable testing environment.

Pre-Test Interview

Following the initial introduction, the test administrator conducts a pre-test interview. This interview serves multiple purposes, such as gathering background information, clarifying any ambiguous details provided in the application or questionnaire, and identifying specific issues or areas of concern to be addressed during the test. The administrator may ask a range of questions related to personal history, employment, relationships, and any potentially relevant information. The interview helps establish a baseline of truthfulness for the individual being tested.

Instrumentation Phase

After the pre-test interview, the test-taker is prepared for the actual polygraph examination. This phase involves the attachment of physiological sensors to the test-taker’s body. Typically, these sensors include pneumographs (to measure respiration), cardiovascular sensors (to measure heart rate and blood pressure), and galvanic skin response sensors (to measure sweat gland activity). The sensors are non-invasive and painless, but they allow the polygraph instrument to monitor physiological responses during the test.

Test Phase

The test phase is the main part of the polygraph examination. During this stage, the test-taker is asked a series of relevant questions while their physiological responses are recorded by the polygraph instrument. The questions asked during the test fall into three general categories: relevant questions, irrelevant questions, and control questions.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Before undergoing an employment polygraph test, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the legal regulations surrounding these tests in your region. Laws regarding the use of polygraph tests can vary, and knowing your rights as a test-taker is essential. Educate yourself on the specific rules and guidelines that govern the use of polygraph tests in employment settings to ensure your rights are protected. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the test is conducted ethically and professionally. The test administrator should adhere to strict standards of confidentiality, objectivity, and fairness throughout the process.

Preparing for the Test

Effective preparation is key to performing well in an employment polygraph test. Start by researching the specific testing process and procedures employed by the organization conducting the test. Understanding the sequence of events, the types of questions asked, and the expected behavior during the test will help you feel more confident and less anxious. Prioritize getting a good night’s sleep before the test to ensure you are well-rested and mentally alert. Avoid substances such as caffeine or medications that may affect your physiological responses, as they can impact the accuracy of the test results. Finally, practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help you manage stress and anxiety leading up to the test.

During the Test

When you are in the actual test, it is crucial to follow the instructions provided by the test administrator carefully. Listen attentively and comply with their guidance to ensure a smooth testing process. Maintaining a calm and composed demeanor throughout the test is essential. By staying calm, you can regulate your physiological responses and provide a more accurate assessment of your truthfulness. Focus on controlling your breathing, taking deep, even breaths to help stabilize your physiological responses and promote relaxation. Answer each question truthfully and concisely, avoiding unnecessary elaboration or deviation from the question at hand. If a question is unclear or ambiguous, do not hesitate to seek clarification from the test administrator. Understanding the question fully will allow you to provide accurate and concise responses.

Post-Test Considerations

After completing the polygraph test, it is crucial to maintain confidentiality regarding the specific questions asked or details of the test. Discussing these details with others can compromise the integrity of the testing process and potentially impact future tests. Take time to reflect on your performance during the test. Identify any areas where you may have felt more stressed or struggled to maintain composure. Use this experience as a learning opportunity to improve your performance in future tests or interviews. If you have any concerns or discrepancies regarding the test, consider addressing them with the test administrator or relevant authorities. It is important to ensure that the test was conducted fairly, adhering to legal and ethical standards.

Additional Tips for Success

In addition to the outlined strategies, there are a few extra tips that can enhance your chances of success. Dressing professionally for the test demonstrates your seriousness and respect for the process. Arrive early to the testing location to allow yourself time to relax and mentally prepare. Stay hydrated and have a light, nourishing meal before the test to ensure optimal cognitive functioning. Maintaining a positive mindset and visualizing success can help reduce stress and enhance your overall performance. Finally, if you have legal concerns or questions, consider consulting with an attorney or an expert in polygraph testing who can provide specific guidance based on your unique circumstances.


Employment polygraph tests can be challenging, but with adequate preparation and a calm mindset, you can navigate them successfully. By understanding the test, familiarizing yourself with the legal and ethical considerations, and implementing effective strategies, you increase your chances of achieving a favorable outcome. Remember, honesty and preparation are key to success in employment polygraph tests. Best of luck in your future endeavors!