
How to Start Gardening?


Gardening is a therapeutic hobby that gives you a sense of achievement and peace of mind. It’s also an excellent source of fresh produce, and if done in the right way, can be very beneficial for your health. But if you’re looking to start gardening, there are certain things you should keep in mind before planting anything. Here are some tips to help you get started with gardening.

How to start gardening?

Gardening can be a great way to spend time with your family and develop a sense of stewardship for your environment. To get started, follow this guideline:

Choose Your Plants Wisely

When planning to grow plants in your backyard, it’s important to consider the length of your growing season as part of the planning process. This will help you determine what types of plants to choose and how much space you’ll need to accommodate them.

Additionally, it’s important to decide whether you’d like to use synthetic fertilizers or organic fertilizers when planting your garden. Both types of fertilizers provide nutrients for your plants, but organic fertilizers can help promote healthy soil and biodegrade more slowly than synthetic fertilizers. If possible, try to use organic fertilizers instead of synthetic ones whenever possible.

Invest in Quality Soil and Fertilizers

High-quality soil is essential for gardening. It can help with the health and vitality of plants, improve their appearance, and enhance their nutritional value. Organic fertilizers can be used to provide nutrients and encourage growth. They should be used in moderation and sparingly, as they can have adverse effects on soil organisms and the environment. Good gardening practices include using organic fertilizers and pesticides when gardening for environmental safety and people’s health. These practices ensure that safe and effective gardening practices are practiced without harmful impacts to the environment or humans. 

Know Your Hardiness Zone and Frost Dates

If you’re thinking of starting a garden, the first thing to consider is your hardiness zone. This is a geographic area that varies in temperature and precipitation and is designed to help gardeners determine planting zones for their region. This will help them choose plants that can survive in different temperatures and soil types.

You can also check the frost dates for your region to plan your garden accordingly. This will help you avoid planting too early or too late and ensure optimal growth. Another important factor to consider is plant diversity. Different plants provide different nutrients and shelter from the elements, making them an ideal way to customize your garden’s climate and landscape.

Prepare Your Garden Bed for Planting

When setting out to garden, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your plants have the best start possible. The first step is to remove any debris or weeds from your garden bed, as these can negatively impact the plants’ growth and development. After that, you can tiller the soil to loosen it and aerate it. This will help improve soil structure and nutrient availability for the plants. You can also add organic matter, such as compost and manure, to provide nutrients and enhance soil health. Finally, you should test the soil’s pH level and adjust it as needed for optimal plant growth. By following these steps, you can easily create a garden bed that is suitable for planting your favorite vegetables and flowers without fail.

Consider the Sun Exposure of Your Garden

Sun exposure is essential for gardening success. Plants need sunlight to feed themselves and photosynthesize. When choosing plants, observe the garden space to determine the angle and amount of sunlight, as it changes throughout the day and seasons. Sunlight filtered through a canopy of trees can be considered “part sun” or “part shade”. Over watering plants can lead to rotted roots and yellow leaves. To prevent this, deep, thorough watering once per week is more effective than frequent light watering.

Start Small and Expand Gradually

Start gardening with a small garden layout, no more than 100 square feet. Begin with two or three priority areas, 30 square feet each. Take it one step at a time and cover areas not being cultivated with cardboard or black plastic. Start by planting shrubs and trees that are hardy to your area. These plants can provide year-round enjoyment and beauty, such as maples, dogwoods, and deer trees. After growing these plants, you can add other types of plants that are easy to care for, such as flowering annuals and houseplants.

Understanding the basic types of plants and the growing zone for your area will also help you choose which plants to include in your garden. Also read up on hardiness to pick plants suitable for your area. This will help you plan planting schedules and seasons so you can enjoy gardening all year round.

Water Regularly for Optimal Growth

When growing plants, watering them regularly is vital for their growth and health. It ensures the roots are able to get enough water and is essential for the proper functioning of the entire plant system.

To ensure optimal growth of plants, water the root ball regularly. As a general rule, soaking the rootball once a week is better than watering a little bit every day. This provides plants with the moisture they need to stay healthy and green.

Feed plants every fortnight during the growing season (spring and summer). During these months, plants need extra nutrients to help them grow and develop properly. This can be done by feeding them with fertilisers or growing media additives, such as compost or fertilised soil.

Additionally, increase feeding when plants are growing in containers. As plants are exposed to more sunlight and nutrients, they can become malnourished quickly if not given adequate nutrition. 

Protect Against Pests and Disease

To start gardening, you need to create a healthy environment for plants. You can do this by providing adequate sunlight, moisture, and good soil.

You can also monitor your plants for pests such as aphids, slugs, and snails to prevent infestations. These pests can damage plants and weaken their defenses against threats such as frost, drought, and disease.

Mulch for Maximum Benefits

Mulch is a protective layer of soil that can help to conserve water, protect against erosion, and reduce weeds. It can also improve the soil’s overall health by promoting organic matter and diversity. Different types of mulch can have different impacts on soil health, so using the right type is important. Organic types of mulch, like wood chips, pine needles, or straw, can improve the soil’s nutrient profile and aid in the decomposition of organic matter. Decomposing mulch can improve soil structure and bring nutrients into direct contact with plant roots.


There are so many benefits of gardening. Besides being a great way to spend time outdoors, it can be a fun and creative hobby. Additionally, planting flowers and plants can improve your environment and make it more attractive. Planting houseplants can brighten up a space while growing herbs can be used for flavoring food and making teas. Growing veggies and fruits can be educational and satisfying. Whatever your reason for gardening, the benefits of planting houseplants are plentiful. Now that you know how to start gardening, get started by reading these beginner-friendly gardening tips first!